Every season ends and for some, that’s great news and for others it’s sad.
Life’s made up of seasons. According to Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time for everything under heaven.
The secret is to embrace each season. Regardless of whether it’s a favorite or least favorite, give each season the attention it deserves.
Often we can’t wait for a season to end, like wishing for the kids to grow up. But I can tell you I wish I could have them small again so I can spend more quality time with them.
Wishing our lives away is sad. Every season is an opportunity to learn, grow, and apply the principles we find in God’s word. If you are going through a tough season, it might be a season where you may have to pray more often and draw closer to God.
If you are going through a great season, it is time to be thankful and grateful and offer praises to God.
But no matter what circumstance you are in, Jesus is Lord and God’s Word can help you through it.
We need to be like the three Hebrew children in Daniel 3. They were in the fire, but when they came out; they didn’t even smell like smoke. They were in the fire, but the fire never got into them.
Stay close to God and keep your commitment to His Word strong by feeding your faith. This is the only way you will rise above any season that you find yourself in.
In His presence is the fullness of Joy. In His presence is the peace and answers you need. Each season, you can gain wisdom about life and about yourself. This vital information will help you in the future season of your life.
Let everything be a learning opportunity. Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this? How can I avoid this in the future?”
Sometimes the only way we learn things is by experience. So learn the lesson quickly and move on.
I pray that the season you are in right now is enlightening you and showing you how much God loves you.
Cast all your cares onto Him and let Him lead you through this season. Don’t camp there and cry whoa is me! No, go through it with God’s help and come out more than a conquer!
The post Summer’s End appeared first on Christian Women Living Magazine.